EredetiMagyar GATMegjegyzés
misunderstoodmeg nem értettHelyesebb a "félreértett szó".
doingnessdoingnessTalán jobb lenne magyarítani, például "cselekvőség"-nek.
idiomidiómaAz idióma szó magyarul nyelvjárást jelent, az angol idiom magyar megfelelője. A fordításban hol idiómának, hol állandósult szókapcsolatnak fordul.
Minden kiadvány végéről hiányzik a szerzők és a kiadványt módosítók neve, valamint a szerzői védelem.
Az új ellenőrzőlapról erősen hiányolom a fogalmak gyurmademózását, csupán a három akadály tüneteit kell kigyurmázni. Ellenben a fontosabb szabályok bemagolása ellentmond minden tanulási technológiának.


HCOB 1971. jún. 25. R


EredetiMagyar GATMegjegyzés
(Részlet a "Tanulás és oktatás" c. 6408C13 sz. 6-os LRH Tanulási hangszalagról)Hozzáadva
It actually makes him feel squashed. Makes him feel bent, sort of spinny, sort of dead, bored, exasperated.Ténylegesen összenyomva érzi magát miatta, görnyedt, és mintha forogna vele a világ, valahogy hulla, unott, ingerült.a "valahogy hullá"-ra kellene egy találó magyar kifejezés, mert ez így nagyon csúnya.
It establishes aptitude and lack of aptitude and it's what psychologists have been trying to test for years without recognizing what it was.Ezen alapul a készség vagy annak hiánya, és ez az, amit a pszichológusok éveken át próbáltak tesztelni, anélkül hogy felismerték volna, mi is az.A "to test" szót ebben a szövegkörnyezetben nem "tesztelni"-nek kellett volna fordítani, ugyanis egy "vizsgálni" vagy "próbára tenni" jelentése is létezik. Helyesen talán: "ez az, amit a pszichológusok éveken át próbáltak megvizsgálni"

HCOB 1979. júl. 17. I. RB


EredetiMagyar GATMegjegyzés
Javított kiadás: 1989. február 26.Az eredeti javítatlan
HCOB 23 Mar 78RA Word Clearing Series 59RA Rev. 14.11.79 CLEARING WORDSHCOB 78. márc. 23. RB A SZAVAK TISZTÁZÁSA Szótisztázási sorozat 59. RB Jav. kiadás: 89. 1. 16.Csupán a javítás dátuma változott.
"MIS-UNDERSTOOD" or "NOT-UNDERSTOOD" are terms …A "MEG NEM ÉRTÉS" vagy a "NEM ÉRTÉS" olyan kifejezések …Ezen a helyen a legszembetűnőbb a kifejezés félrefordítása és az emiatt fellépő szerencsétlenkedés. Helyesen így lenne: A "FÉLREÉRTÉS" vagy a "MEG NEM ÉRTÉS" olyan kifejezések …
Példa: A személy nagykötőjelet (–) lát abban a mondatban …Megjegyzés: a Magyar Helyesírási Szabályzat 263. pontja foglalkozik bővebben azzal, hogy pontosan mikor kell nagykötőjelet használni
hajlamos minden mondatot egybe olvasniHelyesen: egybeolvasni
A javított kiadásban az LRH Technikai Kutatás és Összeállítás segédkezettHozzáadva

HCOB 1978. márc. 23. RB


EredetiMagyar GATMegjegyzés
HCOB 23 MARCH 1978RA, REVISED 14 NOVEMBER 19791989. január 16.Újabb kiadás. Rejtett adatcsatorna.
(CANCELS BTB 16 Dec 73, Word Clearing Series 51, Word Clearing Errors.)Hiányzik
Ref: HCOB 81. febr. 13. R SZÓTÁRAKHozzáadva
Dictionaries recommended are The Oxford English Dictionary or the Shorter Oxford Dictionary and Funk and Wagnalls Standard English Dictionary.Az ajánlott szótárak a HCOB 81. febr. 13. R, Jav. kiadás: 87. 7. 25., Szótisztázási sorozat 67. R, SZÓTÁRAK című bulletinben vannak leírva.Tulajdonképpen lenne értelme, hogy a kiértékelést hivatkozásként ideírják, de a két legjobb szótár neve maradhatott volna.
An idiom is a phrase or expression …Az idióma olyan szókapcsolat vagy kifejezés …Hibás fordítás. A magyar idióma (nyelvjárás) szó jelentése nem azonos az angol idiom szóéval. Helyesen: Az állandósult szókapcsolat olyan szókapcsolat vagy kifejezés …
came from the Greek word "kaminos"a görög "kaminos" szóból eredA szót magyar helyesírással "kaminosz"-nak kellene írni.

HCOB 1981. febr. 13. R


EredetiMagyar GATMegjegyzés
Javított kiadás: 1987. július 25.Az eredeti javítatlan. Rejtett adatcsatorna.
Referenciák:Az eredeti nem tartalmazott referenciákat.

As dictionaries are such an important factor in the learning and application of Scientology (or any subject for that matter) I thought I had better recommend some dictionaries that have been found to be the best of those currently available.

I have also included some additional data on the use of dictionaries in clearing words.


The following dictionaries are recommended because they have been found to be better, more accurate and more useful than others. No one dictionary was found that would be ideal for all students. The dictionary a student uses is a matter of personal preference and depends to some degree on his vocabulary and level of literacy.

Using the wrong dictionary can make study much harder for a student and greatly extend his time on course. If a student finds he is looking up a lot of words in the definitions he's clearing and that he is getting into long word chains, he should change to a more simple dictionary. An out gradient dictionary can make word clearing and study unnecessarily difficult. For example, "college" dictionaries are often quite complicated and some students will find themselves spending too much time chasing around the dictionary trying to clear up MUs within the definitions of the words being cleared. This can be time consuming and frustrating.

If you look up "bird" in a simple beginner's dictionary it says something like "an animal covered with feathers that has two legs and lays eggs". Now if you look up this same word in a college dictionary it becomes "any warm-blooded vertebrate (animal with a backbone) of the class Aves (latin for 'birds'), having a body covered with feathers and forelimbs (front legs) modified (changed in some way) into wings." (The explanations in the brackets of course are not included in the dictionary definition. They have been added here so that one can easily understand that presentation of the definition of "bird".) This would likely lead a student into the definitions of "vertebrate", "Aves", "forelimbs" and "modified". After a bit of this the student is slumped on the table with 45 words to look up that he has never heard of before. The answer is to take away his "college" dictionary and give him a more simple dictionary and he'll begin to make some progress.

On the other hand, some students would do just fine with the more advanced dictionaries and would find the additional data helpful.

From the dictionaries recommended here a student should be able to find one that suits him and his vocabulary. (Note: If the dictionary a student chooses does not contain derivations then after clearing the word in that dictionary he should consult a larger dictionary to clear the derivation. Some of the better simple dictionaries unfortunately do not contain the derivations of the words.)

Mivel a szótárak ennyire fontos tényezők a Szcientológia (és ami azt illeti, bármely tárgykör) elsajátításában és alkalmazásában, gondoltam, legjobb, ha ajánlok néhány olyan szótárt, amely a jelenleg elérhetők közül a legjobbnak bizonyult.A hiányzó pár bekezdés hasznos lett volna, ugyanis tömeget ad arra, hogy milyen egy "használhatatlan" szótár.
Webster's New World Dictionary for Young Readers: This is a very simple American dictionary. It is published by William Collins.Webster's New World Dictionary for Young Readers (Webster's New World szótára fiataloknak): Ez nagyon egyszerű amerikai szótár. A New World Dictionaries/Simon & Schuster kiadványa, és a legtöbb könyvesboltban kapható.A kiadó megváltozott. További információ szükséges a kiértékeléshez.
It is published in paperback by Avon Books, a division of the Hearst Corporation, 959 Eighth Ave., New York, New York, 10019, and in hardback by Oxford University Press, New York.Papírkötésben az Avon Books, kemény fedeles változatban pedig az Oxford University Press adja ki.A kiadók címei hiányoznak, ez Magyarországon nem túl nagy gond, de ha ez egy "nagyon jó szótár", akkor azért érdemes lett volna bennehagyni.
Webster's New World Dictionary of the American Language, Student Edition (Az amerikai nyelv Webster's New World szótára, tanulói kiadás): Ez olyan középfokú amerikai szótár, amely a szavak származását is tartalmazza. A New World Dictionaries/Simon & Schuster kiadványa.Hozzáadva
The Random House College Dictionary Revised Edition:The Random House College Dictionary:A szótár neve megváltozott. További információ szükséges a kiértékeléshez.

Funk and Wagnalls New Comprehensive Dictionary of the English Language International Edition:

This dictionary has been previously published as the Britannica World Language Edition of Funk and Wagnalls Standard Dictionary (published by Encyclopedia Britannica Inc., Chicago) an en the Funk and Wagnalls Standard Dictionary of the English Language International Edition (published by J. G. Ferguson Publishing Co. Chicago). It is currently available from the Publishers International Press under the name Funk and Wagnalls New Comprehensive Dictionary of the English Language Edition. Publishers International Press is located in New York City at 9 Madison Ave. and in Los Angeles at 1543 West Olympic Blvd., 90015. (This most recent edition is sold by the Publishers International Press, not in bookstores, and can be obtained by writing or calling the above locations.)

This is one of the most grammatically correct dictionaries there is and it is probably the best American dictionary available. It is a two volume set and is a fairly advanced dictionary.

Chambers Twentieth Century Dictionary:

This is an English dictionary printed in Edinburgh, Scotland. It is quite thorough, containing most of the English idioms and slang. It is a fairly high gradient dictionary however and is recommended for the more literate students. The definitions are quite thorough but few examples are given.

The Concise Oxford Dictionary:

The Concise Oxford Dictionary (A tömör Oxford szótár):A The Concise Oxford Dictionary előtti két szótár értékelése hiányzik.

As a student's vocabulary increases and he becomes more literate, he will often "graduate" to a more advanced dictionary. This phenomenon of "out-growing" dictionaries was observed on a pilot course designed to increase a person's level of literacy. As students progressed through the course they switched from a beginner's dictionary to a more advanced dictionary and sooner or later started delving into The Oxford English Dictionary. The point is, use as complete and advanced a dictionary as you can without getting in over your head. And don't hesitate to use a simpler one if it's better for you. (Some students have found their study speed greatly increased just by switching to a simpler dictionary.)

(Note: When a student using a simple dictionary has to go to a larger dictionary in order to find a definition he's looking for (but isn't in his dictionary) he would clear that particular definition in the larger dictionary and then go to his simpler dictionary to clear the rest of the definitions of that word. Otherwise he could get in over his head.)

From the dictionaries recommended here a student should be able to find one that suits him. Whatever dictionary one chooses, it should be the correct gradient for him. For instance, you wouldn't give a foreign language student, who barely knows English, the big Oxford to use in his studies!

Az itt ajánlott szótárakból a tanuló biztosan tud találni olyat, ami megfelel neki. Akármelyik szótárt választja is, az a számára megfelelő grádiensű legyen. Például az olyan idegen nyelvű tanulónak, aki alig tud angolul, az ember nem a nagy Oxford szótárt adja oda, hogy azt használja a tanuláshoz!Az egy hasznos információ, hogy az ember fokozatosan egyre nagyobb szótárakat fog használni.


English dictionaries and American dictionaries differ in some of their definitions, as the Americans and English define some words differently. (For example, in an American dictionary we find "pavement" defined as a hard paved surface, generally referring to a road or a street. In an English dictionary it is defined as a paved footway at the side of the road, which is known in America as a "sidewalk". So you could get a situation where an American is barreling down the road on a steam roller yelling "Clear the pavement!" and an Englishman walking at the side of the road on the sidewalk hears this and thinks he means to get off the "paved footway at the side of the road" and so he jumps into the road and gets run down!And you'll find that the word "sidewalk" does not even appear in the English dictionary, yet it is a very common American word.)

An English dictionary will have different applications of words that are specifically British. These usages won't necessarily be found in American dictionaries, as they are not part of the American version of the English language. Different dictionaries have things in them which are unique to that language.

In addition to The Oxford English Dictionary, the Chambers Twentieth Century Dictionary mentioned above is a good example of an English dictionary for the English.

For the most part a student's dictionary should correspond to his own language. This does Dot mean that an American shouldn't use an English dictionary (or vice versa), but if he does he should be aware of the above and check words in a dictionary of his own language as needed.


In using dictionaries and clearing words you should be aware that one can make the error of "defining" a word using synonyms.

A synonym is a word that means the same or nearly the same as another word in the same language. It is not the definition of the word. Example: defining "fat" as "portly", is "defining" a word using a synonym. Whereas a definition of "fat" would be: "Having much or too much flabby tissue."

A definition is a precise statement of the real nature of a thing; an exact explanation of the meaning of a word or phrase. A synonym is not a definition.

A student who defines a word as its synonym does not necessarily understand the nuances of that word. The correct handling for this would be for him to define the word and use it in sentences until it is understood conceptually.

If a student defines a word in terms of its synonyms only, he will be missing a true understanding of the word.


Az angol szótárak és az amerikai szótárak néhány meghatározásukban különböznek, mivel az amerikaiak (USA) és az angolok (Nagy-Britannia) néhány szót másképp határoznak meg.

Az angol szótárban a szónak más, specifikusan angol (brit) szóhasználata található meg. Ezek nem feltétlenül találhatók meg az amerikai szótárakban, mivel nem képezik részét az amerikai angol nyelvnek. A különböző szótárakban az adott nyelvre egyedülállóan jellemző dolgok találhatók.

A The Oxford English Dictionary az angolok számára készült angol szótár jó példája.

A tanuló szótárának többnyire meg kell felelnie a saját nyelvének. Ez nem jelenti azt, hogy amerikai ne használjon brit szótárt (és viszont), de ha azt használ, akkor tudatában kell lennie a fentieknek, és szükség szerint a saját nyelve szerinti szótárban utána kell néznie a szavaknak.

A SZÓTÁRAK ÉS A SZEMÉLY ANYANYELVE című rész főleg angol anyanyelvűeknek hasznos, de érdemes lett volna bennehagyni, hogy később az idegennyelvű, de angolul tanulók is felismerhessék a különbséget. Nem beszélve a rokonértelmű meghatározásokat tartalmazó szavakról.
the Greek thermos, meaning hot and therme, meaning heat.a görög therme szóból származik, ami azt jelenti, hogy hőA görög "thermosz" szó forrót jelent, ez kimaradt.


As Assisted by Research & Compilations Unit


L. Ron Hubbard alapító

A javított kiadásban az LRH Technikai Kutatás és Összeállítás segédkezett

Hiányzik az elfogadó bizottság neve.

HCO PL 1981. júl. 21. I. R


EredetiMagyar GATMegjegyzés
Javított kiadás: 1987. július 25.Az eredeti javítatlan. Rejtett adatcsatorna.
(Cancels BPL 27 Jul 69R What Is A Checksheet. The two issues that BPL 27 Jul 69R canceled – HCO PL 27 May 70 Checksheet Changing; HCO PL 1 Jul 70 II A Note On Checksheets – remain canceled. Valid data from HCO PL 1 Jul 70 II has now been included in this HCO Policy Letter.)Hiányzik
HCO PL 25 Sep 79I Urgent – Important, Successful TrainingHiányzik
HCO PL 86. júl. 10. II. ADMIN DEGRADÁLÁSOKHozzáadva
"Retraining" or "back to Course for retraining" meansAz "újraképzés" vagy "vissza a tanfolyamra újraképzésre" vagy "küldd vissza a tanulót képzésre" azt jelenti


As Assisted by Research & Compilations Unit


L. Ron Hubbard alapító

A javított kiadásban az LRH Technikai Kutatás és Összeállítás segédkezett

HCOB 1979. aug. 21.


EredetiMagyar GATMegjegyzés
3. BPL 18 Oct 76RD, Rev. 10.9.78 Urgent, Important, Successful Training Lineup, which canceled requirements of twin training or checkouts for Academy, has been canceled and replaced by HCO PL 25 Sep 79 I Urgent, Important, Successful Training Lineup.A 72. aug. 13. RA, GYORSÁRAMLÁSÚ KÉPZÉS című HCOB eltörli és felváltja a 76. okt. 18. RD, Jav. kiadás: 78. 9. 10., SIKERES KÉPZÉSI VONAL című BPL-t, amely eltörölte az Akadémián a páros képzés és ellenőrzés követelményeit.
Any twin has the responsibility of getting himself and his fellow student back onto the course as well.Mindegyik tanulópár felelős azért, hogy önmagát és tanulótársát is visszajuttassa a tanfolyamra.
So enforce twinning.Tehát valósítsd meg a páros tanulást.

HCOB 1980. máj 14.



BPL 1972. ápr. 15 R



BTB 1970. okt. 29. RA



HCOB 1967. okt. 11.


EredetiMagyar GATMegjegyzés
Long-winded explanations on clay table put it back into significance, prevent the student from learning to apply, and prevent the student from getting the proper balance of mass, and do not blow confusion.A gyurmaasztalnál történő hosszú lélegzetű magyarázatok a gyurmázást visszahelyezik a jelentéstartalomba, megakadályozzák a tanulót az alkalmazás megtanulásában, és abban, hogy megkapja a megfelelő tömegegyensúlyt, és így nem oszlatja el a zűrzavart.A "a gyurmázást visszahelyezik a jelentéstartalomba" egy kissé zavaros.

HCOB 1970. dec. 10. I. RA


EredetiMagyar GATMegjegyzés
REVISED 10 FEBRUARY 1981Javított kiadás: 1987. július 25.



Revised to include the valid data from above BTBs, to add a section on "Handling Clay" and to delete references to the Instructor's use of Clay Table as a method of instruction. Instructions have been replaced in the Academy by Supervisors. References to Clay Table use in the HGC have also been deleted as this data is still contained in HCOB 17 Aug AD14 SCIENTOLOGY I TO IV CLAY TABLE WORK IN TRAINING AND PROCESSING and is not needed in this particular bulletin.)

(Revision in this type style. Ellipses indicate Deletions)

Megjegyzés a kiadvány neve elől törölve.
(Ref: HCOB 11 Oct 67 CLAY TABLE TRAINING)Referenciák:
M9 KÉPESKÖNYV -- ami majd megfelelő időben kiadásra kerül egy speciális tanfolyam részeként


You will find that students at any level in any course will benefit greatly from Clay Table work on definitions.

The importance of this will become apparent as you study our ... educational technology, now mainly to be found on the Study Tapes.

Fontos, hogy a tanfolyamfelügyelők és a tanulók tudják, hogyan kell a gyurmademonstrációkat készíteni, és hogy ezt helyesen csinálják.

A képzés során bárki leülhet és csinálhat gyurmademókat, hogy a szavak meghatározásait megértse, vagy tömeget és realitást kapjon valamiről, amit tanul. Ez standard képzési tevékenység.

Ennek a fontossága nyilvánvalóvá fog válni, ahogy az oktatási technológiánkat tanulod, amely főleg a tanulási hangszalagokon található.

In the Academy castors (wheels) can be put on the legs of both the clay table and the clay container where they will be moved a lot.

Large classes should have several clay tables.

Azon az Akadémián, ahol sokat kell mozgatni, a gyurmaasztal és a gyurmatartó lábára rakhatunk görgőket (kerekeket).Hiányzik egy bekezdés.
The quantity of things that can be made has no limit.Az elkészíthető dolgok száma határtalan.


Any part of the mind can be represented by a piece of clay and a label. The mass parts are done by clay, the significance or thought parts by label.

A piece of clay and a label are usually both used for any part of the mind. A thin-edged ring of clay with a large hole in it is usually used to signify a pure significance


Everything is labeled that is made on the clay table, no matter how crude the label is. Students usually do labels with scraps of paper written on with a ball-point. ...

The procedure should go – student makes one object, labels it, makes another object, labels it, makes a third object and puts a label on it and so on in sequence.

If a student makes all the masses of his demonstration at once, without labeling them, he is sitting there with all those significances stacking up in his mind instead of putting down each one (in the form of a label) as he goes.

The correct procedure is label each mass as you go along.


A gyurmaasztalon készített minden különálló darabot felcímkézünk mindegy, hogy mennyire kidolgozatlan a címke. A tanulók rendszerint golyóstollal írt papírcetlikből készítik a címkéket. A címke kivágásakor az egyik véget hegyesre vágjuk, hogy könnyen bele tudjuk szúrni a gyurmába.

Az eljárás így történik: a tanuló elkészít egy tárgyat, felcímkézi, elkészít egy másik tárgyat, felcímkézi, elkészít egy harmadik tárgyat, és rátesz egy címkét és így tovább, sorjában. Ez abból az adatból származik, hogy az optimális tanulás megköveteli a tömeg és a jelentéstartalom egyensúlyát, és ha az egyik túlsúlyba kerül, akkor a tanuló rosszul érezheti magát. Ha a tanuló felcímkézés nélkül, egyszerre készíti el demonstrációja összes tömegét, akkor mindezekkel a felhalmozódó jelentéstartalmakkal az elméjében ül ott, ahelyett hogy amint halad, mindegyiket egyenként (címke formájában) írná le. Itt nem alkalmazza a "Stabil adat a zűrzavarban" technológiáját sem, ami A munka problémái című könyvben van leírva, és egyidejűleg nem zárja le az akcióciklust sem (elindítás, megváltoztatás, megállítás). A helyes eljárás, hogy amint haladsz előre, címkézz fel minden tömeget.

Egy darab gyurmával és egy címkével az elme bármely része bemutatható. A tömeg részeit a gyurma mutatja, a jelentéstartalom vagy a gondolat részeit pedig a címke.

A puszta jelentéstartalom bemutatására általában vékonyra sodort, nagy átmérőjű gyurmagyűrűt használunk.

Az áramlások vagy a mozgás irányát általában kis nyilakkal jelezzük, és ez fontossá válhat. A nyíl lehet gyurmából, vagy elkészíthetjük másfajta címkéből. Gyakran az adatok hiánya -- amelyek megmutatják, hogy mi milyen irányba halad, vagy mi milyen irányba áramlik -- teszi felismerhetetlenné a demót.


The size of the demo can be important.

A clay demo should be rather large. (One or two inches high is usually inadequate.) Large demos help to increase the student's reality on what he is demonstration. More reality means more affinity and communication and therefore more understanding.


A gyurmademóknak nagyoknak kell lenniük.

A gyurmaasztali képzés egyik célja, hogy a tanult anyagokat valóságossá tegye a tanuló számára. Ha a tanuló gyurmademója kicsi (kevesebb tömeg), lehet, hogy a realitás tényező nem lesz elegendő. És a tapasztalat azt mutatja, hogy a tanuló felismerései szempontjából a NAGY méretű gyurmademók sokkal eredményesebbek.


The clay demonstration must show that the student's understanding of the materials being demonstrated is present. The clay shows the thing, not the labels or the imagination. If a student's clay demonstration isn't correctly done or doesn't show what is to be demonstrated it must be flunked with reference to the material. In such case, the student must be referred to the correct Bulletin, Policy, Book or Tape reference from the materials of the course. Another student's demo is never referred to or used as an example.

Az előző szakasz után hiányzik


Clay is messy. Until we find or unless we find a totally non-oily clay, precautions must be taken to keep students clean, and if not clean, cleaned up afterwards. Therefore the course administrator can provide liberal quantities of cheap cleaning tissues and odourless solvent.

The clinging quality of clay and the odour of bad solvents could put an end to the great value of clay table work. So safeguard against this.


A gyurma maszatol. Addig, amíg nem találunk teljesen olajmentes gyurmát, óvintézkedéseket kell tennünk, hogy a tanulók ne piszkolják össze magukat, és ha összepiszkolták magukat, akkor mosakodjanak meg utána.

A gyurma rákerülhet az E-méter hengereire, és elszigetelheti őket a kéztől. A gyurma a legkellemetlenebb helyekre kerülhet rá; ruhákra, papírokra, falakra és ajtókra.

Ezért a gyurmát használó tanulók beszerezhetnek maguknak munkaköpenyeket, és a tanfolyami adminisztrátor is beszerezhet bőséges mennyiségű olcsó papírtörölközőt és oldószert.

Számos olcsó oldószer létezik, amely jól használható. Azok a legjobbak, amelyek a legkevésbé szagosak, és legkönnyebben kezelhetők. Óvakodnunk kell a szagos oldószerektől, mert az Akadémiák hamarosan úgy fognak bűzleni, mint a háztartási boltok vagy a hullaházak. Tehát használjunk szagtalan oldószereket!

És gondoskodjunk kosarakról a használt papírtörölközők számára!És ürítsük ki őket.

A gyurma ragadós minősége és a rossz oldószerek szaga véget vethet a gyurma­asztali munka óriási értékének. Tehát óvakodjunk ettől.


L. Ron Hubbard

A javított kiadásban az LRH Technikai Kutatás és Összeállítás segédkezett



Hiányzik, de a legnagyobb része a HCOB 1964. szept. 24. OKTATÁS ÉS VIZSGÁZTATÁS: A STANDARD EMELÉSE kiadványban benne van.



EredetiMagyar GATMegjegyzés
(Revises and replaces HCO PL 14 Feb 63 by adding Demos and Twin Checking Out and by deleting Verbatim Checkout requirements.)Hiányzik.



EredetiMagyar GATMegjegyzés
"What are the rules given about ...?" is a question I would never bother to ask.A "Mik a szabályai a …-nak?" olyan kérdés, amit egyáltalán nem érdemes megkérdezni.

HCO PL 1964. okt. 4. I.


EredetiMagyar GATMegjegyzés
Reissued on 21 May 1967Hiányzik

HCO PL 1971. márc. 3.


EredetiMagyar GATMegjegyzés
HCO POLICY LETTER OF 29 OCTOBER 1981HCO PL 1971. márc. 3.Az angol eltörli a magyart.
(Cancels and Replaces BPL 3 Mar 71R STARRATE OUTPOINTS)
Ref.: HCO PI. 24 Sep. 64 Instruction & Examination: Raising The Standard Of
HCO PL 12 May 64 Theory Testing Expiration Dates
HCO PL 31 Aug. 81 Giving starrate Checkouts
(The following is a list of the most frequent mistakes made on giving starrate checkouts. This list was originally compiled at my request and is now being reissued to give it the full force of an HCO PL.)Az alábbiakban a csillagfokozatú ellenőrzéseknél elkövetett leggyakoribb hibák listája következik.
2. Not spot-checking a student on the policy or bulletin.2. Az ellenőrzést adó személy nem végez szúrópróbát a tanulóval az iránylevélből vagy a bulletinből.Talán jobb lenne: Az ellenőrzést adó személy nem szúrópróbát végez ...

NOTE: Sending a student back to study means the student gets his MUs found and cleared and re-studies the materials from the earliest misunderstood word found or from the beginning. It means full application of Study Tech.

Students who haven't fully grasped the starrate checkout procedures have missed out on one or more of the above points. These points are all covered in the policies referenced at the beginning of this issue and these policies must be known and applied by Supervisors and students alike.

It is only when lax, non-standard checkouts (or none at all) are given, that results suffer. Tough standard checkouts are the way to keep Scientology working.

Assisted by Research & Technical Compilations Unit

A fenti pontok mindegyikét kisebb vagy nagyobb mértékben out-pontoknak találtuk az olyan tanulóknál, akik nem végezték el az Ellenőrzési mini­tanfolyamot [Az Ellenőrzési mini-tanfolyam olyan tanfolyam volt, amely a tanulókat standard csillagfokozatú ellenőrzések végzésére tanította meg. Ez minden fő Dianetika és Szcientológia képzési tanfolyam előfeltétele volt. Később felváltotta a Tanulói kalap], és az olyan tanulóknál, akik az Ellenőrzési minitanfolyamot a területen végezték el. Ahhoz, hogy jó ellenőrzéseket végezzünk, ezeknek a pontoknak a megértése és alkalmazása elengedhetetlen.

Az Ellenőrzési mini-tanfolyamban a fenti pontok mindegyike megtalálható, de valahogy nem duplikálják őket, és ez tette szükségessé ezt a helyreigazító iránylevelet, amely felhívja rájuk a figyelmet.

Teljesen elengedhetetlen, hogy minden tanuló minden fő Dianetika és Szcientológia tanfolyamon helyes ellenőrzésben részesüljön.

Ha másképp teszünk, akkor degradáljuk a technológia átadását és alkalmazását.

L. Ron Hubbard alapító

A Flag képzési igazgató segédletével

HCO PL 1971. márc. 14.


EredetiMagyar GATMegjegyzés
HCO PL 31 AUGUST 1981 GIVING STARRATE CHECKOUTSHCO PL 1971. márc. 14. HOGYAN ADJUNK ELLENŐRZÉSTNa itt most az az érdekes helyzet állt elő, hogy a két kiadvány egymást törli el.

HCOB 1971. szept. 4. III


Nincs megjegyzés.

HCOB 1972. jún. 9.


Nincs megjegyzés.

HCOB 1965. márc. 10.


EredetiMagyar GATMegjegyzés
Javított kiadás: 1983. augusztus 30.
Szótisztázási sorozat 14.
(The data in this HCO B was given to me by Mary Sue Hubbard and called to attention by Ian Tampion.)Megjegyzés a kiadvány végén. Hiányzik.

HCOB 1981. okt. 7. R


EredetiMagyar GATMegjegyzés
Word Clearing Series 31RCSzótisztázási sorozat 31. RDTeljesen különbözik.

HCOB 1968. máj. 24.


Nincs megjegyzés

HCOB 1973. jan. 30. RE


EredetiMagyar GATMegjegyzés
Javított kiadás: 1984. május 16.
Word Clearing Series 46RDSzótisztázási sorozat 46. RE


Once the misunderstood is found it must be fully cleared in the dictionary. The person will be hung up on the definition of the word as it is used in the context of what is being word cleared, which will not necessarily be the first definition given in the dictionary. To try and clear any other definition before clearing the one he is stuck in would cause him to try and clear a word over misunderstoods. Therefore he would rapidly go over the definitions to find the one that fits the context and clear that first. Then the remaining definitions would be cleared.

This is how a word is cleared:

The first step is to look rapidly over the definitions to find the one which applies to the context in which the word was misunderstood. One reads the definition and uses it in sentences until one has a clear concept of that meaning of the word. This could require ten or more sentences. Then one clears each of the other definitions of that word, using each in sentences until one has a conceptual understanding of each definition.

The next thing to do is to clear the derivation—which is the explanation of where the word came from originally. This will help gain a basic understanding of the word. Don't clear the technical or specialized definitions (Math., Biology, etc.) or obsolete (no longer used) or archaic (ancient and no longer in general use) definitions unless the word is being used that way in the context where it was misunderstood.

Most dictionaries give the idioms of a word. An idiom is a phrase or expression whose meaning cannot be understood from the ordinary meanings of the words. For example 'give in' is an English idiom meaning 'yield'. Quite a few words in English have idiomatic uses and these are usually given in a dictionary after the definitions of the word itself. These idioms have to be cleared.

One must also clear any other information given about the word, such as notes on its usage, synonyms, etc. so as to have a full understanding of the word.

If one encounters a misunderstood word or symbol in the definition of a word being cleared, one must clear it right away using this same procedure and then return to the definition one was clearing. (Dictionary symbols and abbreviations are usually given in the front of the dictionary.)


Ahogy megtaláltuk a meg nem értett szót, teljesen tisztázni kell a szótárban. A személy a szónak annál a meghatározásánál van fennakadva, amelyiknek az értelmében a szót a szótisztázás alatt álló szövegkörnyezetben használták, és a szótárban nem feltétlenül ez van elsőként megadva. Ha bármilyen más meghatározást próbálunk meg tisztázni az előtt a meghatározás előtt, amelyiknél elakadt, akkor az illető úgy próbál meg egy szót tisztázni, hogy közben van egy meg nem értett szava. Ezért azt kell csinálni, hogy gyorsan átfutja a meghatározásokat, megtalálja azt, amelyik beleillik a szövegkörnyezetbe, és azt tisztázza először. Azután tisztázza, a többi meghatározást.

Így tisztázunk egy szót:

Az első lépés, gyorsan átfutni a meghatározásokat, hogy megtaláljuk azt, amelyik beleillik abba a szövegkörnyezetbe, amelyben a szó meg nem értett volt.

A tanuló felolvassa a szó meghatározását a szótisztázónak. (Ez remek alkalom arra, hogy elcsípjünk néhány meg nem értett szót.) Ha olyan szó van a meghatározásban, amelyet a tanuló nem ért, akkor először azt a szót tisztázzuk terjes mértékben. Amikor a tanuló a meghatározásnak már minden szavát érti, és érti magát a meghatározást is, akkor a SAJÁT SZAVAIVAL elmondja a szótisztázónak, hogy mit jelent a meghatározás.

A tanuló addig alkot mondatokat, a szót helyesen használva, amíg nagyon kényelmesen nem érzi magát a szó használatával. A mondatoknak mutatniuk kell, hogy tudja, hogyan kell használni a szót az épp most tisztázott meghatározás értelmében.

Fontos, hogy a tanuló a szó minden egyes meghatározását elegendő mondatban használja. Meghatározásonként egy mondat általában nem elég. Lehetséges, hogy a tanulónak tíz vagy annál is több mondatot kell alkotnia, mielőtt igazán megértené a szót és azt, hogyan kell használni.

Azután tisztázza a szó minden egyes más meghatározását, mindegyiket mondatokban használva mindaddig, amíg fogalmi megértése nem lesz minden egyes meghatározásról.

A következő teendő tisztázni a szó származását, ami annak a magyarázata, hogy eredetileg honnan jön a szó. Ez hozzásegít ahhoz, hogy a szóról alapvető megértést nyerjünk.

Ne tisztázzuk a technikai vagy specializált meghatározásokat (matematika, biológia stb.), az elavult (többé már nem használatos) vagy az archaikus (régies, és általánosan már nem használatos) meghatározásokat, hacsak nem ilyen értelemben használták a szót abban a szövegkörnyezetben, amelyben meg nem értett volt.

A legtöbb szótár megadja a szóhoz tartozó állandósult szókapcsolatokat is. Az "állandósult szókapcsolat" olyan szókapcsolat vagy kifejezés, amelynek a jelentése nem érthető meg a szavak szokásos jelentése alapján. Például az "egy gyékényen árul valakivel" állandósult szókapcsolat a magyar nyelvben, amely azt jelenti, hogy "megértik egymást, cinkosok". A magyar nyelvben jó néhány szónak van állandósult szókapcsolatszerű használata, és a szótár ezeket rendszerint magának a szónak a meghatározásaival együtt adja meg. Ezeket az állandósult szókapcsolatokat is tisztázni kell.

Az embernek ahhoz, hogy teljes megértése legyen a szóról, tisztáznia kell a szóval kapcsolatban megadott minden más tudnivalót is, mint például a szóhasználatra vonatkozó megjegyzéseket, rokon értelmű szavakat stb.

Ha az ember meg nem értett szóval vagy szimbólummal találkozik annak a szónak a meghatározásában, amelyet éppen tisztáz, akkor ugyanennek az eljárásnak a felhasználásával azonnal tisztáznia kell azt a szót is, és azután vissza kell térnie ahhoz a meghatározáshoz, amelyet éppen tisztázott. (A szótárban használt jeleket és rövidítéseket általában a szótár elején adják meg.)


The word clearer then asks the student to read once again the sentence in the text in which the misunderstood word or symbol was found. The student does so. The word clearer must now ensure that the student understands the sentence and/or paragraph that contained the misunderstood. If the student does not originate this the word clearer must ask him to tell him what the sentence or paragraph means. He does not just let the student continue reading with no comprehension of the text that contained the misunderstood.

If the student still doesn't understand the sentence or paragraph there will be another misunderstood word or symbol probably earlier in the text, that needs to be found and cleared. Only when he fully understands the section or the text that contained the misunderstood does the student continue on with the M9. He would continue reading from the sentence that had the misunderstood in it, not just the point where he had the non optimum reaction.

Any further non-optimum reactions are handled by finding the next misunderstood word or symbol and clearing it, as above.


Ezután a szótisztázó megkéri a tanulót, hogy olvassa újra a mondatot abban a szövegrészben, ahol a meg nem értett szót vagy szimbólumot találták. A tanuló ezt megteszi, és ha a mondatot helyesen, megértéssel olvassa, folytatja a szöveg olvasását. Bármely további nem optimális reakciót úgy kezelünk, hogy megtaláljuk a következő meg nem értett szót, és tisztázzuk a fentiek szerint.

The word clearer now has the student re-read the sentence that had the misunderstood in it and the following sentence. The student does this and the word clearer ensures he now understands the sentences.

They continue on with the M9 starting with the sentence that has the word 'collie' in it.

Az A példa végéről hiányzik.
After clearing the word 'the' the word clearer has the student take a look at the sentence again and tell him what it means. The student now understands the sentence perfectly so the M9 is continued from that sentence.A B példa végéről hiányzik.

The word clearer now has him re-read the sentence that the misunderstood was in.

The student reads the sentence and frowns.

The word clearer says: "All right, is there another word or symbol there that you don't understand?"

They look even earlier in the text and find another word that the student went by that he didn't understand. The word is cleared fully and the word clearer has him read the earlier passage where the misunderstood was found again. The word clearer then has the student tell him what that passage means. The student does so and now understands the passage, so the M9 is continued from that point in the text.

A C példa végéről hiányzik. Ez valamennyire hasznosnak tűnik, ugyanis a kihagyott rész nem felel meg a C pontnak, azaz ebben az esetben a tanuló nem hagy ki egy szót.

After this is fully cleared up the word clearer has the student re-read the sentence and tell him what it means.

The student says: "There was a huge pile of assorted tools in the woodshed. Oh yes, I understand that, it means that there was a large pile of different sorts of tools in the woodshed. That makes sense."

The word clearer now has him continue on with the M9.

A D példa végéről hiányzik.

After all the definitions of 'think' are cleared the word clearer has the student re-read the sentence. The student does so, with no error. The word clearer asks him what the sentence means and the student tells him accurately with understanding.

The M9 is continued from that point in the text.

Az E példa végéről hiányzik.
After ensuring that the student understands the part of the text where the misunderstood was found, the M9 is continued from the sentence in which the misunderstood occurred.Az F példa végéről hiányzik.
Each definition of 'for' is cleared fully and then the word clearer asks the student to reread these sentences and tell him what they mean. The student has a good grasp of the material and so the M9 is continued from the sentence that had the word 'for' in it, with the student reading smoothly and effortlessly.A G példa végéről hiányzik.

The word clearer now has him read that sentence again and tell him what it means. The student is still confused about the sentence and thinks it means that the car drove off a cliff or something.

They clear the word 'off' fully and find that the sentence now makes perfect sense to the student. The M9 is continued from that sentence.

A H példa végéről hiányzik.
The student then re-reads the sentence and tells the word clearer what it means. The M9 is continued from that sentence.Az I példa végéről hiányzik.
After ensuring that the student understands this section of the text, the M9 is continued from the sentence where the student found the misunderstood.A J példa végéről hiányzik.
Az eredeti összeállításnál a Flag Képzési és Szolgáltatási Hivatala segédkezett
A javított kiadásban az LRH Technikai Kutatás és Összeállítás segédkezett

HCO PL 1981. aug. 4. R


EredetiMagyar GATMegjegyzés
SupervisorTanfolyamfelügyelőA példák fejlécében.
M9, starrate and drill: HCOB 7 Oct 81 W/C Series 31RC, METHOD 3 WORD CLEARINGA negyedik példa második felére ez kimaradt.
A student's weakness in data and skills often will not show up under the normal conditions of theory and practical testing but they will stand out very plainly when he has to apply them in an actual auditing or coaching session or while actually studying.

A rózsaszín lap teljesen független a szabályos ellenőrzőlaptól, és kiegészítőként szolgál a tanfolyamtermi tanuláshoz.

A tanuló hiányosságai az adatokra és a jártasságokra vonatkozóan, normál körülmények között történő elméleti és gyakorlati tesztelésnél gyakran nem mutatkoznak meg, de nagyon nyilvánvalóvá lesznek, amikor a valódi auditáló vagy edző ülésen kell alkalmaznia őket, illetve miközben ténylegesen tanul.

HCOB 1969. máj. 8. I.


Nincs megjegyzés



EredetiMagyar GATMegjegyzés

Thank you.

Well, I'm glad to see you, too. What's the time?

Female voice: June the 18th.

I'm getting so I think in terms of broader periods of time. It's quite amusing to me, but I notice the 16th took two or three days to go by and the 17th has taken two or three days to go by, and now we're on the 18th, so this is 18 June AD 14, Saint Hill Special Briefing Course.

The things are swinging along beautifully and it's quite a tribute ... this is not germane to the lecture, the lecture is on something quite important, but ... the lecture is about studying ... but it's quite interesting that a very ... a rather indirect tribute can be paid to the auditing of Saint Hill students who ... ve been through their lower Materials and come on up to the coaudit, and so forth. They have actually kept their pcs going, over a considerable quantity of bypassed charge.

That isn't said as a gag, you see? It's the truth, see. Because the top of the reactive mind, you see, the top of a GPM, is the hardest thing to find out what's in it. You haven't been over this ... these humps, and you probably won't have to be, but just let me give you this in passing.

The hardest thing in the world to find are the top items of a GPM. I don't know how many potential oppterms and terminals were discarded before the actual ones were found, see. It's up ... oh, I don't know, the arrangements of that bank are almost uncountable. You have, at the moment, a perfect line plot. That's why you're getting away with it. But the top of a bank, you see, the whole reactive mind would be equally hard to get to because the thetan is sitting on all that charge, you see?

Similarly, the top of a series, you see, would be the hardest thing to find the root words of, don't you see? And that is the scramble which has been going on before the thing was finally taped. It's very funny. I've got the rest of the root words of the series, you see? They just run out like hot butter, there's nothing to those. But getting those exact top ones, that was the tough one. And in putting that material in exact lineup, of course, we had momentary one. And in putting that material in exact lineup, of course, we had momentary stumbles on the line of exactly what was this thing. Of course, you know, you could have laid off and knocked off and not done any auditing on this, you see, for a couple of years and let me have run the whole bank out, don't you see? But you were running this danger, is by the time I've run the whole bank out, I might not be interested. Gag.

But it was a considerable tribute to the fact that there was ... there was some missing elements there, perfect line plot they started with ... didn't start with a perfect one, but had one within 24 hours ... and the materials pretty well lined up, exactly how they went, what the patterns were, and that sort of thing. This was pretty well ironed out, but nevertheless, nevertheless, there were quantities of bypassed charge, huge quantities such as no Coaudit will ever face again, you see? And the auditors in the coaudit actually were sufficiently smooth as auditors, and so forth, that their pcs just kept going along and they didn't have any big casualties or anything else.

Now, in the clumsiest look, they would have killed somebody with that much charge, see ... the clumsiest look. And if their auditing had been the least bit crude, and so on, why, those people would have just been flying apart at every joint, you know. There would have been ARC breaks and rabble rouses and so forth, and max mass exoduses and people checking out and ... You know, I mean, it'd been ... it'd been horrible. Because if you can see the amount of catastrophe caused by just missing one item, and so forth, well, here they had a whole series missing. And yet they were auditing over the top of this and actually were making very nice gains and gave me yesterday afternoon a very beautiful series of reports. Everything was going along fine.

Now, by George, that's pretty good auditing, that's pretty doggone good auditing. So I wish to give them a compliment right now, on the subject of their auditing. They must be awful good. All that's straightened out now, and I imagine in today's sessions the cases just took off like rockets. They must have gotten into the top of that other series and so forth, and it just must have run swish!In fact, I never saw anything connect up with such reads as the ... as connecting up the missing element with what had been bypassed. That really shot the lot, rerunning it and connecting it up.

So the upshot of the situation was that I was very, very pleased with that. They're making terrific progress and everybody is very, very happy about this and very enthused about this. And I get a side note occasionally on letters going out of here and I'm not having to say, "This is it" now. "This is it" is a very, very calm statement compared to some of the statements I've heard going out of here on various lines. And there isn't, I don't think, any doubt in anybody's mind who is in the coaudit, they'll eventually make it. They may make it with only one leg or something like that, they're figuring at the present moment, but they'll make it, they're on their way and the door is open, wide open.


Nos, én is örülök, hogy látlak benneteket. Mennyi az idő? Eljutottam arra a pontra, hogy nagyobb időszakokban gondolkodom. Elég vicces, de azt vettem észre, hogy 16-a két vagy három napig tartott, 17-e két vagy három napig, és most 18-ánál járunk, tehát most A.D. 14. június 18-a van, a Saint Hill-i különleges tájékoztató tanfolyamon.

Főleg a magasszintű, GPM-eket részletező bekezdések hiányoznak.
That better than 50 percent of Scientology consists in the discipline of application, consists in the technology of application, consists in the know-how of application. a Szcientológiának több mint 50 százaléka az alkalmazás fegyelmezett viselkedésmintájából, az alkalmazás technológiájából és az alkalmazás szakértelméből áll. Talán: a Szcientológiának több mint 50 százaléka a fegyelmezett alkalmazásból, az alkalmazás technológiájából és az alkalmazás szakértelméből áll.
it's trying to increase the salesmanship, and so forth, of retail merchants and their clerks, you see, so as to move more equipment and that sort of thing, see? That's what the course is megpróbálja növelni a kiskereskedők és a tisztviselőik eladási készségét, és így tovább, hogy több felszerelést meg egyebeket mozgassanak meg. Talán: megpróbálja növelni a kiskereskedők és az alkalmazottaik eladási készségét, és így tovább, hogy több felszerelést meg egyebeket mozgassanak meg.

It could very easily, very easily become an unworkable subject.

You could take all the GPMs in the world ... what do you think would happen if you took all the GPMs and the total map of the bank and everything exactly right and gave it at this moment to psychiatry? I know what they'd do. They would immediately analyze Poe to see how many times one of these words had occurred in one of his books, and then get the fractional recurrence of and then try to explain why Poe was mad, or something like this, don't you see? This is probably what they'd do with this material. It'd be monkey tricks, you know?

I even thought vengefully one day of sending all of the whole plot to the American Journal of Psychology ... which, by the way, would absolutely fall on its face and bound its forehead to flinders if I were to give them an article. That's one of the reasons why they're a little bit mad at us. I have been soundly berated by them for not publishing it with them at least one of our case histories, because it would revolutionize all ... You see, it can't revolutionize anything unless published in their magazine. I've been scolded by them for this but I thought vengefully of just giving them the whole plot and let them publish it, see? And that would eliminate that.

A Szcientológia nagyon, nagyon könnyen működésképtelen tárggyá tud válni. A GPM-ekről szóló két bekezdés hiányzik.
Well, what did that? That's auditing discipline. That's the communication formula, that's this, this is handling the meter, this is what you do with a pc and what you don't do with a pc, and so forth. This is omitting from the auditing sessions the things that Mary Sue comes down as GAEs on, on Wednesdays, on TV demos; weeding these things out, keeping that line straight ... over 50 percent of it.És ez minek köszönhető? Annak, ahogy valakit az auditálásra nevelünk. A kommunikációs formulának köszönhető, az E-méter kezelésének, annak, hogy mit csinál és mit nem csinál az ember a pc-vel, és így tovább. Ez az, hogy elhagyjuk az ülésből az olyan dolgokat, amiket GAE-ként szidtak el TV-demonstrációknál; ezeket kigyomláljuk, és az eljárásmód menetének pontos betartása … ez a technológiának több, mint 50 százaléka.

So therefore, were in business as long as an auditor can learn how to audit.

You see, you don't have to learn anything actually to run GPMs. You can be handed it on cards. Did you ... you realize this? You could probably be handed it on cards and you could reel it off one way or the other in some kind of patter. You wouldn't even have to learn it, you know? You could just let it sort of go off water like the ... goes off the ducks back, you see? You could parrot it, you see, from a ... from a list or a card or something like this. You wouldn't have to be learned. You're not up against learning in that burrow. In fact, if I ever hear of an Instructor making some new student memorize a line plot so that he can run it better, I'll give him a GAE with exclamation points ... the Instructor, see? That would be the most gruesome thing. So actually, in that particular case the technology is not something you would learn. You wouldn't even learn the ... what's called the technique ... you wouldn't dare!It'd just kill the student; that'd be it.

If you ever have a ... have a ... find yourself, bird ... dogged by a spy from the Federal. I don't want to be pardon me, I'd there are ladies present why, just decide that he had better learn by heart don't even pick out anything very rough, just give him one of the Helatrobus line plots and tell him, well, he has to start in by learning that by heart.

Amíg egy auditor meg tud tanulni auditálni, addig még menni fog nekünk. A GPM-ekről szóló két bekezdés hiányzik.

Ha.ha.ha, you see?

Well, God, all you have to do is drop a toothpick in R6 and you ARC break one. That must be pretty smooth. Now, I don't think there's anybody ... doubts in anybody's mind in R6 that they aren't going places and that the technology in running GPMs isn't doing some fantastic things, one way or the other, for pcs, and so forth. The result is being produced; the result is being produced smoothly. It'll of course be produced much more smoothly and much more rapidly, as a matter of fact, with the top of the bank being cut into, exactly correctly. But even with that, it's producing results, see?

Ha-ha-ha. Látjátok? A GPM-ekről szóló bekezdés hiányzik.



EredetiMagyar GATMegjegyzés

How are you today?

Audience: Fine.

What's the date?

Audience: Nine July.

Nine July. Nine July AD 14.

All right. Now, what are you weakest in?

Female voice: Auditing.

Auditing. Yeah.

A.D. 14. július 9-e. Na jó. Mi az, ami a leggyengébben megy nektek? Auditálás. Igen.

Now, you get yourself a thing like a GPM. All right, let's take that as nomenclature. "GPM" means Goals Problem Mass. Unless you combine such a thing with an observation and work on the clay table, and so forth, even the nomenclature is relatively meaningless. It is a thing, in other words. There is something called a GPM. It's not an idea. It is a GPM. Now, there are ... there's one or two pcs around (not necessarily in the course) who are stumbling all over the place on a GPM, because they are in disagreement with that piece of nomenclature. And they are saying, "Well, it doesn't have mass, it's just Ron's idea that it has mass, see, and it doesn't have mass. So therefore, of course, there is no such thing as a GPM".

Well now, trying to audit somebody on something of which there is no such thing as, is just a little bit difficult. Now, if you're running GPMs correctly, the mass simply expresses itself as heat and pressure. It does not express itself as a visio. You never see it unless you've made a mistake. When you've made a mistake you'll see it. You get an end word in the wrong situation and you can see this long parade of mass going out there. Well, there must be something wrong with it to see the mass.

So here is the oddity about this ... the GPM. It's true it's a goalsmatched items, one against the other, and very matched and held in midair, from which it gets problem, although that isn't too good a word because "problem" is an end word also and "mass" is also an end word. So, that nomenclature is adapted to the subject at a time when not all is known about it, so it can be described and worked with, don't you see?

Now, we move on a little bit further and we find out there probably could have been better nomenclature, but by this time everybody knows this as a "this" and you would get a total catastrophe if you went and shifted the thing, and we can't go on referring to it as "the thing". So we go on calling it a GPM. Well now, of course, GPM means "Goals Problem Mass", but that's not important. It's not important what the "G" means or the "P" means or the "M" means. This is a symbol that stands for something. Well, what is this thing So, if you're simply content to say, "Well, a GPM is a thing and it has this form and construction", and work with it on a clay table, all of a sudden you begin to understand what it is.

Na most, egy kicsit továbbmegyünk, és rájövünk, hogy lehetne jobb nómenklatúránk is, de ezt mostanra már mindenki úgy ismeri, hogy ez egy "ez", és totális katasztrófa lenne, ha most fognátok magatokat és megváltoztatnátok, és többé nem tudnánk úgy hivatkozni rá, hogy ez "az a bizonyos dolog". A GPM-kről szóló rész kimaradt.
So, we have to leave their technology alone. We have to leave their nomenclature strictly alone. We cannot talk about "ids" and "egos". We can't really talk about the "unconscious" which, by the way, is another end word in GPMs.Úgyhogy nekünk békén kell hagyni a pszichiáterek technológiáját. Nekünk szigorúan békén kell hagyni a pszichiáterek nómenklatúráját. Nem szabad idekről meg egókról beszélnünk. Nem igazán beszélhetünk a tudattalanról.

So, the only thing we can do is actually elect those things which are the most important in the mind and keep that terminology as standard as possible. First try to evolve it as cleverly as possible, so that it won't conflict ... first try to evolve it cleverly, so it won't conflict and bring about a misunderstanding in some older activity. And then we've got to carry it forward as a standardized item and then not go changing it all over the place just about the time everybody learns what it is. So, there's a certain necessity here to maintain a constant on nomenclature and terminology. And the word "GPM" will never, never be changed. It's in too much, too long, too often, don't you see? And even though "Goals" -- end word; "Problem" -- end word; "Mass" -- end word. But it becomes just "GPM". Well, it could become "XYZ" ... it wouldn't matter much.

Now, another responsibility is not develop too many of them, not to ... not to go whole hog on the subject, not to try to name everything in sight some new peculiar name that nobody would ever get around the end of. The vocabulary of Scientology is probably about 472 major words, which is a small enough technical vocabulary. The medical vocabulary is something on the order of 20 to 40 thousand, somewhere in that range ... of very peculiar words that don't mean a thing.

Így tulajdonképpen csak azt tudjuk csinálni, hogy kiválasztjuk azokat a dolgokat, amik a legfontosabbak az elmében, és ezt a terminológiát megtartjuk olyan standardnak, amilyennek csak lehet. Először megpróbáljuk olyan értelmesen kialakítani, ahogy csak lehet, hogy ne legyen ellentmondásban … először megpróbáljuk olyan értelmesen kialakítani, ahogy csak lehet, hogy ne legyen ellentmondásos, és ne okozzon félreértést valamilyen korábbi tevékenység terén. És aztán ezt mint egy standard valamit kell továbbvinnünk ahelyett, hogy lépten-nyomon megváltoztatnánk nagyjából akkor, amikor már mindenki megtanulta, hogy mi az. Tehát egy állandó nómenklatúrát és terminológiát fenn kell tartani.

A Szcientológia terminológiája körülbelül 472 főbb szóból áll, ami egy elég kis technikai szókincs. Az orvosi szókincs körülbelül húsz-negyvenezer, vagy nagyjából ilyen nagyságrendű, igencsak különös szavak, amik nem jelentenek semmit.

So they read a sentence and it says, "Of course, there may be an engram in the middle of the GPM". That's not necessarily true, but it's certainly true of implant GPM. And they have to think, "There might be an engram ... an engram ... an engram ... I don't quite ... know quite what that means, so I'll just learn this much of it. There might be something in the middle of a GPM." And they go on into the next paragraph and this has made an impression on them, that there's something they don't know about a GPM and that's what carries on into the next paragraph.

And as they go on studying past these points of uncomprehended nomenclature, they begin to stack up an opinion that they "Don't know about it". And it isn't "it" that they don't know about.

És ahogy átsiklanak a meg nem értett nómenklatúrának e pontjai felett, egy olyan vélemény kezd kialakulni bennük, hogy "nem tudják a tárgyat". De nem a "tárgy" az, amiről semmit nem tudnak. A GPM-ekről szóló bekezdés hiányzik.
So I don't know what the barriers to communication are. I have a greater insight into the fifth dynamic lately than I have had before and I have found that they're ... you can go a lot deeper into the fifth dynamic. In fact, I've pretty well got an idea of what GPMs, and so forth, certain animals and insects and so forth get stuck in. And just about how they go into that particular zone or area and how they go out the bottom. I've had a little ... quite a little bit more insight into this. Szóval, én nem tudom, hogy mik a kommunikáció akadályai. Újabban nagyobb betekintésem van az ötödik dinamikába, mint amilyen korábban volt, és úgy találom, hogy sokkal jobban be lehet hatolni az ötödik dinamikába.



EredetiMagyar GATMegjegyzés

Thank you.

This is the what of what?

Audience: August 4th, AD 14.

August the 4th, AD 14.

Augusztus 4-e, A.D. 14.

Don't teach him the history of roller balls!Am I making more sense?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Does it -- does that make sense? It doesn't?

Audience: Yes, yes.

Ne a görgő golyók történelmére tanítsátok!Most érthetőbb, amit mondok?



EredetiMagyar GATMegjegyzés

Well, what.s the date?

Audience: Sixth of August AD 14.


Audience: Sixth of August.

It is the 6th of March.

Audience: Sixth of August.

Somebody back there says it's the 6th of March. It.s the 6th of August AD 14, Saint Hill Special Briefing Course. And we have another lecture today on study.

Augusztus 6-a van, A.D. 14. Saint Hill különleges tájékoztató tanfolyam, és ma egy újabb előadás lesz a tanulásról.

Well, the fads hit this course. Yeah, once in a blue moon we'll have a new fad -- not once in a blue moon either -- everybody will get on a fad thing. For a while, a year or two ago, I've forgotten exactly when it was, -- the problem they solved by coming to Saint Hill -- was in vogue and for a while, why, everybody was just making marvelous TA and gorgeous case gains and so forth -- the problem they solved by coming to Saint Hill. "What did coming to Saint Hill solve as a problem for you?" See? And then they would run this out and they'd square it up and it's marvelous, and so forth. And I don't believe I ever thought about it very much, but my laughter on this situation would be based on this very elementary fact: That they weren't really running a Problems Process at all, see? They were simply making the person aware of the fact that they had arrived at Saint Hill.

So, we don't do that anymore because we've got a little checksheet which goes in and out and is sometimes skipped and sometimes put back in again, which has to do with getting the person to go around and spot the locations of everything around here, see? We take care of it with a little checksheet. They're supposed to get this and supposed to get that and they're supposed to look over this and supposed to that, don't you see? So, there is a Touch Assist familiarity, so that -- that wipes out two things: the vast mystery of where they have arrived at and the fact that they have arrived.

So, your first gradient in education is to get somebody there.

Így az oktatásban az első gradiens azt elérni, hogy valaki ott legyen.

And this would be very easy to find on an E-Meter, extremely easy on an E-Meter and that is simply: the E-Meter would register an early moment of confusion about study or training and it would register it repeatedly, that is two or three times if it's never been resolved. It would only go flick, or something like that if it had existed and then been resolved, you see? There would just be the residual charge left on the time track. But if it's repetitively reading, if it reads several times and seems to read very strongly as he discusses it -- gives you in other words tone arm action -- why, then you know that it has never been resolved to this day.

Now, the difficulties that men have with their minds are those which have ridden forward with them into the present. Those are the difficulties that have to be treated and handled -- the difficulties which they have had in the past which have ridden forward to them into the present. You can always get a registry on a difficulty somebody has had in the past simply because it is pictured on the time track as having had a difficulty. But if it is not riding forward with him into the present, you are simply using auditing to contact it again and it will blow. It won't restimulate particularly, it usually just blows.

For instance, if you have had somebody get a deep, a very heavy surge, let me put it this way -- if you get somebody got a -- get a heavy surge on a meter in a session, you can actually put them back into that moment of the session when they got the surge and you will get some ghost of that surge. That's not riding forward with them in the present time. You actually took them back into the past to find the surge. But you can get that surge back again because what you did was get the impression it made on the session. You didn't get the original reading -- that blew. But then the fact that it did do this in the session is still a matter of record which can be picked up.

So therefore, accordingly, you could go back into the time track of an individual and you could get an emotional reaction for everything a person had ever been emotional about. Or you could get heavy reactions -- it isn't that the reactions are necessarily heavy or soft -- but you could get reactions about what a person has been emotional about that he is still emotional about.

Now, get the slight difference here. One is simply the impression on the time track of having been emotional. Well, you'll get a -- you'll get a needle read on that. And the other one is a moment on the time track when he has been emotional that he is still emotional about. The thing has never been cleared up, in other words. And the difference between those two reactions is one will fade instantly, the first one -- he has simply been emotional about something; he is not still emotional about that thing, that's long since gone, you will simply get the whooh on the needle -- that needle's going to move, just contacting the earliest point or the point when it occurred, see, you are going to get a needle reaction.

But the other thing that you're going to run into, if it is still current, it will repeat. It doesn't blow through just being contacted -- it now repeats and you can get more repeat. Well, that means it has ridden forward in time and has never been resolved.

I just make this point to you. As an auditor you are only interested in those things which the individual has never resolved. You're not interested in just those things which he didn't resolve. You get the shadow of a difference between? He didn't resolve it, so what? He never did find out how to get along with his commanding officer, but -- he never did -- but it's not riding forward in time with him. It isn't even capable of being restimulated, therefore it will read once and go bvop and it flattens; see, it's right now, it's out. Now, you could revivify him or regress him to that moment in time and start running him through incidents which are not in restimulation and oddly enough you could get some built up that would go into restimulation.

As an auditor you have considerable power over the mind, you see, you can do some interesting things with it. So, there's two reactions here that you are interested in: There's the reaction that simply was there and isn't bothering the fellow -- it hasn't ridden forward in time with him, but you can get him back to it and it reacts on the meter; and the other action is one that has not only been active at the time but is active now without any difficulty whatsoever. You don't have to go back in time to find this thing. It's going to react right away and the only meter difference that you will see between those two reactions is that one, the one which is still with him and is riding forward in time with him, and so forth, that one is repetitively reading. It will read and it will read again and it will read and it will read again, you see?

When you are checking out things you have to make sure that you've got something that will repeat. One of the main faults that you make in R6 is that you do not ever ask for the repeat read. Well, I wouldn't give you two nickels and a collar button, anytime, ever, for a one -- read checkout -- achto!Now, do you see why? Is maybe you checked it earlier and it read. Well, when you check it again, you might get the earlier read, you might get the moment in the session when it read before. Do you understand?

So you are only interested in a read that will repeat itself. Reads that don't repeat themselves have either blown, or they haven't ridden forward in time, anyhow, so the devil with them.

If you can't get something to read twice, skip it. If you can make it read twice, realize that it's riding forward with the pc and is therefore worrying him. Still worrying him to this day.

Now, all of this is necessary technology, as elementary as that may be, that's necessary technology to an understanding of how you would locate somebody's early confusions with regard to an educational subject. Because of course he was confused; he was confused every time he attacked a new point on the gradient, but he unconfused afterwards. The meter will still register those moments of first confusion, but they will register as only onces, so they're not important.

This, then, I have to tell you so that you can see and evaluate the observation. And then you get used to this and then you get some subjective reality on it, you realize what I am telling you is true. "Yes!Oh, he was very confused the first time he looked at the letter 'A'". He didn't know what that was -- that was -- yeah. -- Well, you get a read -- one shot, see? You get a small read there on the needle, the needle moved. -- What about the Confusion about the alphabet?

"Yeah, the letter 'A'".

Whoom!-- the needle moves and you say, "All right, now about the letter 'A'" and there is no motion. He isn't still confused about 'A'.

But let's take this bird now and we say, "What about the letter 'A'?" and it goes whoompf! Now it's done it once. "What about 'A'!?" Whoompf!"Well, how about -- how about -- can you tell me something more about being disturbed about this Formation of the letter 'A?'" Whoompf!Now, you suddenly realize this bird can't write, see? You just -- from your various observations of the pc, you've suddenly remembered having observed this, see? You didn't need the observation until that moment, but this guy cant write. Well, you want to clean up his writing. Well, let's find out what underlay that Confusion

Now, ARC must have preceded all misemotion and bad reactions. You don't have a bad reaction unless there has been ARC in the first place. There's got to have been ARC with something in order to make a bad action occur. You've heard me say that often enough. Well, all right, how about this'how about this confusion? Do you address the Confusion in itself? No, it's just sort of an out of ARC subject. It's never the Confusion that the person is supposed to be in, by himself and the Instructor and that's why education breaks down.

Ez soha nem az a zűrzavar, amiben az illető önmaga és az oktató feltételezése szerint van, és ez az, amiért az oktatás megbukik.

Now, we find GPMs and the tremendous mass and significance mixed up with those and we must assume then, that all significances expressed as symbols -- words, that is all significances expressed as words, which of course are a symbol of a significance -- are locks on the GPMs. We know what's at the middle of this hurricane now. Now, we walk back and we take a look at this thing and we are going to find out that any word that you handle which is not in the GPMs is in actual fact to some degree a lock on the GPMs.

And if not on actual GPMs, certainly on implants. They got the best of all worlds covered. Very heavy locks, capable of producing a considerable amount of commotion in somebody's skull piece. Your skull bone could throb for quite a time. See? So when you got a -- when you get yourself a -- when you get yourself a good look at this, you recognize then that this is a symbolical effort and one of the first reactions is simply become afraid of all words; then the next immediate action after that is to -- well, to say, "To hell with it," and become very stupidly adventurous about it; then eventually fall back into something sensible, like don't stand around and chant a known end word at somebody's face for half an hour. Not that you will do much to them, they might be stuck elsewhere on the track, but you certainly louse yourself up.

So, when we -- when we examine this broad subject of teaching somebody something, we are examining the subject of relaying data to a person, which he can receive and understand in such a way that he will be able to use the data -- the definition I gave you the other day just stated to fit in with this exact rationale that we are discussing now -- and of course all of those are being done with words -- words, motions, actions or examples. But there's some words mixed up in this.

Így aztán, amikor annak kiterjedt témakörét vizsgáljuk, hogy valaki megtanít valakinek valamit, akkor azt vizsgáljuk, hogyan lehet adatokat átadni egy személynek úgy, hogy az illető képes azt fogadni és megérteni, olymódon, hogy az adatokat használni is tudja – az a meghatározás, amit a minap adtam meg nektek pont olyan megfogalmazásban, hogy illeszkedjen ahhoz az alapelvhez, amit épp most beszélünk meg –, és természetesen mindezt szavak felhasználásával tesszük; szavak, mozdulatok, tevékenységek vagy példák felhasználásával. De néhány szó belekeveredett ebbe.
Now, you've begun to believe, you see, that an assessment is something that doesn't have anything to do with auditing and that's true. An ARC break assessment has nothing to do with auditing. You simply sit there and you reel it off, with your pc usually gritting his teeth to powder. And you finally see your meter react and you indicate the bypassed charge and you don't answer and you don't acknowledge and you jolly well had better not. If you value his sanity or yours on R6 material, you just sit there, man, and you reel this thing off and you find the bypassed charge and you indicate it right now. It's usually done in the middle of an ARC break. Na most, ti kezdtetek azt hinni, hogy a felbecslés az olyan valami, aminek semmi köze az auditáláshoz, és ez igaz. Az ARK-törésfelbecslésnek nincs köze az auditáláshoz. Annál az ember egyszerűen ott ül, és ledarálja, miközben a pc általában csikorgatja a fogát, hogy szinte porrá megy, és végre azt látjátok, hogy reagál a méteretek, és jelzitek az átlépett töltést; és nem válaszoltok, és nem nyugtáztok; csak ültök ott, és ledaráljátok, és megtaláljátok az elkerült töltést, és azonnal jelzitek!
All right, so that's all the trouble you are having with regard to it. There isn't -- the trouble isn't any worse than that, see? You can see that you could audit -- auditing by list has to do with cleaning up each question, after all that's the Joburg and that's these things and you just read the question until it's clean. Read it and get it answered till it's clean and you go to the next one and you read it and answer until it's clean. Auditing by list. You can take the R6 list and you can do this with it. Rendben van, szóval összesen ez a gondotok ezzel kapcsolatban. Nincs … a baj ennél semmivel sem nagyobb. Láthatjátok, hogy lehet auditálni … hogy a listával való auditálás az minden egyes kérdés megtisztításával foglalkozik; végül is ebből áll a Joburg Konfesszió meg ezek a dolgok; addig olvassátok a kérdést, amíg tiszta nem lesz. Olvassátok és megválaszoltatjátok, amíg tiszta nem lesz, és akkor továbbmentek a következőre, felolvassátok és választ kaptok rá, amíg tiszta nem lesz. Auditálás listával.
She never told him what some little word like "reciprocity" meant, or something like this. Ebből az következik, hogy a zűrzavar nem szükségszerűen a szöveg hibája, és nem szükségszerűen a tanuló hibája. Ezzel nem azt akarjuk valakire rábizonyítani, hogy hibás. Csak arra mutatunk rá, hogy valamit nem értettek meg. Lehet az is, hogy az első osztályos tanárának a hibája. Értitek? Soha nem mondta meg neki valami olyan kis szó jelentését, mint az, hogy reciprok, vagy valami hasonló. A reciprok és a reciprocitás két különböző fogalom.


Audience: Okay.

Good enough, thank you.

Oké? Köszönöm.

HCOB 1971. jún. 2.


Nincs megjegyzés.



EredetiMagyar GATMegjegyzés

I'm sorry to keep you waiting today. We were testing out the walkie-talkies we will not use on London Airport. Imagine, using walkie-talkies on London Airport, you know, with the radio control tower. We have a rig up so that we can handle photographic flash lamps at a distance with a little walkie-talkie -- very tricky. And we're getting very cunning. And the -- I can just hear it now though: "Impact pictures coming in for a landing on the north runway. What is our aperture, please?" Very funny.

The difference between professional and amateur photography is a chasm wide and you have to go at it in particular wild ways on the professional front. It requires permission of nobody less than the Ministry of Aviation and that sort of thing, in order to move, practically, in the vicinity of aircraft in England, and so on. Have to produce credentials, you know, like a deck of cards and all that sort of thing, so forth. The ministry has granted us permission to go up and shoot the incoming landing of a hypothetical student, you see, so that all of your views of the airport and what you saw of England, and so forth, that's what I'm going up and shoot, in two or three weeks, just for fun. So those snapshots you took that didn't come out, I can give you some copies. That's snide, you know? I'm showing you the proper Scientology attitude toward a learning or beginning Scientologist, you see?

All right, what's the date?

Audience: August 11th.

August the 11th, AD 14, Saint Hill Special Briefing Course.

Okay. And we're going to resume our lectures on the subject of study and the more I talk about study the better your grades get, and so this is very fine. This is one of the most successful lines of lectures I think I've ever engaged upon -- most productive of cata… -- cataclysmic and colossal results -- really fabulous. So that I have not sweat through. "You take the sodium bichloride and you put it into the bichromate and you get bisulfite, because it precipitates negatives," you know, and so on …

I remind you that about late spring I decided to study study and find out what study was all about and so on and go on along this particular line -- and talking about study, your grades keep going up the more I talk about study. Well, that's very interesting, because I'm not restimulating you; study doesn't happen to be an end word. There is an end word, however, called knowledge and this will bang your head off occasionally. But it is not directly connected with words and so forth, and isn't the basic reason why people have any difficulty at all with study.

All right. There is no particular reason then that knowledge should get in your road because the casus belli (as the hootch dancer said) is a very, very deep -- seated thing called "words". Now, you may even think there is an end word called "words", or something of the sort. But of course, all GPMs are composed of words. They're actually not composed of English words; they're composed of significances which are connected to masses. These masses are very capable of pushing somebody's 'ead off. And where you have precise significances -- and it's quite interesting how precise these significances are -- where you have very precise significances, you don't get too much upset. In other words, don't look at it the other way to; don't look at it on the basis that if you avoid end words a hundred percent you will make it, see? That's actually the incorrect look; it's the locks which do you in. The offbeats, do you see?

Rendben van, és most visszatérünk a tanulás témájával kapcsolatos előadásainkhoz, és minél többet beszélek a tanulásról, annál jobbak lesznek a vizsgaeredményeitek, tehát ez nagyon jó. Azt hiszem, ez az egyik legsikeresebb előadássorozat, amelybe valaha is belefogtam; egetrengető és kolosszális, eredményekben a leggazdagabb … igazán mesés.

That is what's being demanded of you in Scientology. I'm not talking about whether you get better or whether you become Clear or OT or anything else; I'm just talking on a very down-to-earth, rock-bottom sort of an approach. GPM words are the lions, the high voltage, the various other professional danger points with which you live in Scientology: the words, the words of the GPMs and that sort of thing.

Now, you take these words and you go out and throw them in the teeth of the public out here, see? You can actually watch somebody turn green if you stood and chanted at him a root connection of some kind or another, just wove it into your conversation four or five places, and so forth, kept telling him that he is -- he just wants to be wrong, you see? He wants to wrong things, and so forth. Just keep going at it, you know, you. "Wrong this and wrong that" and keep pounding it into him and all of a sudden he'll start "Yeah-ah-ah". Well, he goes -- walks out someplace and falls on his head -- true!And he's liable to get quite ill and that sort of thing.

All right, well, he's just not used to lions, do you see? He couldn't even trace it back to why he feels so ill; he knows nothing about this. Well, this is a rather happy area to be a professional in; because life is -- Consists of livingness, and livingness has a lot to do with the mind. In fact there wouldn't even be anything here to live in, or any living to do, unless a mind was around, you see?

So the business -- the business of being in the business of the mind, and so forth, has liabilities. But it has, of course, a great many things that are very good. And when you start fooling around with GPMs, you know very well you can knock your head off, -- you know very well that this is not something to lightly fool with. You know very well what they can do to somebody. You see somebody around on crutches gimping around, he's got arthritis -- arthritis exclamation point, you see, and so on What's the matter with him? Well, he's just all wound up in a GPM someplace; that's really all that is wrong with him. If even -- even if it's an engram, why, it's held in place with a GPM. That's the way he lives, that's what's going on with …

All right, why is this couple having an awful hard time maritally? Well, they've just got a couple of end words crossed up one way or the other; one is riding one hobby horse and one is riding the other one, you know, and that sort of thing. Well, if you tried to explain it to them that it was an end word that was doing this sort of thing -- you could probably slip it off of them on a meter, if you didn't try to explain it to them. This -- well, just let's take a couple of hypothetical end words: let's say that he was conservative, you see, and she had an end word "wild". Now, these two end words won't mix and they are both in high-blown howl, you see, on this subject. So he's being conservative and she's being wild.

All right, never the twain shall meet. So the upshot is that they're going to lead a very unhappy life. Now, you could probably, without their ever finding anything out about it really, pick up that it was "conservative" on the meter; probably get his considerations about being conservative, have this end word blow. You could take ahold of her, you could probably pick up "wild" on the meter, particularly if you had the total prearranged list of end words, you could probably key it out, get her considerations on this, and so forth. They'd walk out of there perfectly happy with each other and a miracle would have been performed. They would never be able to trace it even back to a word. Their ability to recognize what has happened to them -- even that is far below their familiarity level. They have no familiarity with this thing, you see?

You've heard people go around and say: "Well, it doesn't matter, sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never" … Oh yeah?

Now, the liability -- the professional liability of the Scientologist -- is the fact that he's dealing with significances and he's dealing with masses; and you connect the right or slightly wrong mass with the right or slightly wrong significance and you get this mismatched one way or the other and you get catastrophe and that's the way life -- she is lived.

And you want to know about "What is human behavior? What are the basic elements of existence? What makes matter stay here?" The con-physicist out there, he is busy studying conservation of matter -- or conservation of energy rather -- he's busy studying conservation of energy -- conservation of energy. He is just going on with this, on with this, on with this. Oh, he's just riding an end word, man. And he's riding himself into the ground. Sooner or later -- why he's going to strike "to kill all energy" or something of this sort and -- as his interpretation of a GPM and build an atom bomb -- something like this. He's got to do something, you see, in this particular line. He gets -- he becomes obsessed along the line.

There are GPMs that have to do with pictures. I am very well aware of the fact that there's a whole series of GPMs that I haven't run, that have to do with pictures. And since I became aware of this, they don't have anything to do with me skull. You know, they don't knock my head off at all. Once in a while I find myself studying something and they have said "pictures" about five or six times too many in the paragraph and I find I have a tiny headache begin to grow on me, and I say "Oh". Look at the paragraph: "Oh!" you know, gone. The -- this -- this situation, then, that could have wrecked empires -- one end word crosswise, you see, could have wrecked an empire -- to you becomes a minor discomfort. You find you have a bellyache and you -- something like this -- and you've been processing somebody or doing something -- you find that you have a bit of a stomachache and you wonder what -- "What's the stomachache?" you know? Afterwards you notice you got a stomachache. You suddenly realize you've been invalidating an end word. That's the quickest way in the world to get yourself a stomachache.

You think, "Maybe there is an end word 'women'?" Well now, if you invalidate that you're probably all right because there isn't one; GPMs predate the idea of men and women, but there is one "bodies". And supposing you've got one "bodies", don't you see? And you invalidate the idea of bodies, well, you're going to have yourself a nice stomachache. You say there is no end word "bodies", when there is an end word "bodies", and of course, about that time -- it sometimes takes minutes or even a half an hour or two, for this to begin to sneak up on you. "What was going on, what was going on?" you say to yourself. "Well, let's see, about a half an hour ago I was studying about bodies, I said they didn't exist" Tuh-huh! Well, I now know there is one end word anyway called "bodies". Total reaction.

Somebody else's reaction: "Oh my God!Call Doctor Cutwin!Ohhh!I've got to have an operation on me esophagus or me stomach, or something of the sort. I've got to have something drastic done to me, because look how drastic -- in what drastic condition I am in!" Don't you see? And an incomprehensibility way down below any level of knowingness on this thing, they become the total effect of these things.

For instance, we just upset numerous Scientologists down in Australia because we had to fight back against the Laborite Party. The Laborite Party was the one who proposed the bill to outlaw Scientology in the state of Victoria. So I decided that they had lived too long and they don't come to the inquiry very much anymore. They as a matter of fact found out that Scientologists could cause them to come within an ace of losing all the seats they had -- I wrote out a little pamphlet and I've carefully put in it the exact proper end words. This was circulated -- this was circulated -- they came within an ace of losing their lives in this election and that was it. But of course, some Scientologists down there who were afraid to shoot at somebody and who weren't in the know, and so forth, continued to write me on my Standing Order Number 1 line: "That was a terrible thing to do." They didn't know anything about the end word, that was -- see, they are not trained up to this -- not oriented in this area yet, "That was a terrible thing to do, because you really shouldn't put entheta, you see, on a theta line, like a nice Scientology magazine." And it's all -- and they're sort of protesting, you know, that this pamphlet that came out and was generally issued in Australia against the Laborite Party -- was issued at all.

They don't realize what they're protesting against. Some of those end words hit them; they aren't trained, they aren't in the know, and so, of course, it made them feel kind of queasy and they want to know who wrote it. Well, I haven't told them yet, I wrote it. But it produced the exact effect that it was supposed to produce, which, "to drive those dogs back in their kennels", and it did exactly that. They are much less enthusiastic these days. As a matter of fact, they are becoming sorrier and sorrier that they ever started this inquiry and that is the proper effect to produce on somebody who is attacking you is just make them very, very sorry that they attack you. That's the proper way to handle it in this universe, see?

United States government is getting into that frame of mind now on the E-Meter case, see? They are beginning to sit around and wonder why in the name of God they ever lost their wits to such a degree as to start this thing in the first place, because they can't prepare a ease, because none of their facts are correct and their charges are all wrong and they're silly, but if they let this ease go to court, they let themselves in for a recovery of damages that may run into he millions. They're now in trouble. Well, how do you make people in trouble? Well, you just make them sorry they done it, that's all.

És ez az, amit elvárnak tőletek a Szcientológiában. Nem arról van szó, hogy vajon jobban lesztek-e, vagy hogy Clearré vagy OT>-vá váltok-e, vagy bármi más. Most csak egy két lábbal a földön álló, igen-igen alapvető megközelítésből beszélek.

Hát, elég szerencsés dolog ezen a területen hivatásosnak lenni; mert az élet élőségből áll, és az élőségnek sok köze van az elméhez. Valójában, ha nem lenne elme, akkor nem is lenne semmi, amiben élhetnénk, illetve nem lenne mit élni. Értitek?

Szóval, annak a mesterségnek, hogy az ember az elmével meg ilyenekkel foglalkozik, megvannak a hátrányai. De persze, sok olyan dolog is van benne, ami nagyon jó.

Knowledge is something that is achieved -- end word or no end word -- it is something achieved through study. Now, the whole subject of words booby-traps a person's effort to find out what's going on, to find out what the world consists of Words -- it's a boobytrapped line: significance. What is this? How do you find out about anything? Well, you-re going to find out something about something these days with words. Information is going to be relayed with words; you-re going to find out about things with words and those words are booby-trapped. They match up the GPMs -- the woof and warp of the mind. They've got the mind pushbuttoned.

A tudás olyan valami, amit tanulással érünk el.

Na most, az olyan egyén számára, aki megpróbálja kitalálni, hogy mi is történik, megpróbálja kitalálni, hogy miből is áll a világ, a szavak egész témája egy aknamező. Szavak … ez olyan terület, amely el van aknásítva. Jelentéstartalom. Mi az, hogy jelentéstartalom? Hogyan lehet megtudni valamit is? Hát, mostanában az ember szavak segítségével tud meg valamit valamiről. Az információt szavakkal továbbítják, szavak segítségével lehet megtudni dolgokat, és azok a szavak el vannak aknásítva. Ezek az elmét gombnyomásra működővé tették.

Actually, it has nothing to do with cats; it's the word "black" happens to be an end word. Ennek igazából semmi köze a macskákhoz. A miatt a szó miatt van, hogy fekete.

In other words, I could walk through this bunch of bayonets. Do you understand?

Audience: Yeah.

Más szóval, keresztül tudtam sétálni ezen a szuronyerdőn. Értitek?



EredetiMagyar GATMegjegyzés

What.s the date?

Audience: 13th of August AD 14.

Thirteen Aug. AD 14, Saint Hill Special Briefing Course.

Augusztus tizenhárom, A.D. 14. Saint Hill különleges tájékoztató tanfolyam

All right, so a lot has been spent upon his education but has he become educated?

Male voice: No.

Rendben van, szóval egy csomót költöttek az oktatására, de tanult lett-e?

Got the idea?

Audience: Yes.

Well, that opens the gate to education, so although given it last along that line, that is the most important one. Okay?

Audience: Yes.

Thank you.


Nos, ez megnyitja a kaput az oktatás előtt, tehát, bár ezt mondtam el utolsóként ezek közül, ez a legfontosabb.

Rendben van? Köszönöm.



EredetiMagyar GATMegjegyzés

Thank you. All right, I like you, too.

Thank you very much. And this is the what of what?

Audience: 22nd of September.

Twenty-second of September AD 14, Saint Hill Special Briefing Course. Is that correct?

Audience: Right.

Szeptember 22-e, A.D. 14. Saint Hill különleges tájékoztató tanfolyam.

Now, you can say when it isn't done right in the first place it's got to be corrected. And where it is going to be corrected a great deal of technology will arise. You follow this?

Audience: Mm…hm. Yes.

És azt mondhatnánk, hogy ha eleve nem jól csinálják meg, akkor javításra szorul. És ahol kijavítják, ott nagy rakás technológia jön létre. Követtek?

"Where am I at? What -- what's going on?" see. Well, he doesn't know there's any knowledge in existence anyplace that he doesn't know. That's one of the first things he doesn't know. He thinks everything in the world has already been found out. He doesn't know that the society is in anyway deficient. Look at the way somebody out in the street will complain about a past life or complain about a something or other.

You can take some bird who's howling like mad about the fact that there's no such things as implants and start to say, "Well, say this word", give him an item in a Helatrobus line plot, and the meter goes bluu, and he goes bluu, and give him the next item, "Say that word". Bluu, bluu. Well, if there's no such thing as an implant where's all that coming from? Meters don't run for the fun of it, see? But to teach him something like this?

"Hol vagyok? Mi … mi folyik itt?" Értitek? Hát, nem tudja, hogy valahol létezik bármilyen olyan tudás, amit nem ismer. Ez az első dolgok egyike, amit nem tud. Azt hiszi, hogy már mindent kitaláltak a világon. Nem tud róla, hogy a társadalom bármilyen módon is hiányos lenne …



EredetiMagyar GATMegjegyzés
Na szóval, Augusztus 18-a van, A.D. 16. És melyik bolygó? A Föld. Micsoda? … igen, jó. A Föld?

Anyway, what's the date?

Audience: 18th of August AD 16.

Eighteenth of where?

Audience: August.


Audience: AD 16.

AD 16. Thank you. You're helping me out today. And what planet?

Audience: Earth.

Earth. What… yeah, good. Earth?

Well, actually, what this is all about -- I really don't have anything to talk to you about today. I want to make a little bit of a-well, I want to make a little bit of a correction. If you, as I did after the last lecture, go and look up Dharma (D-H-A-R-M-A) to find out what has been preserved of all that, why, save your-self the trouble. Dharma is anything from "supreme law" to "the total caste system of India" to "fate" and "respelled love" and rephrased some other way, it is something else some other way, and so forth. And in no authoritative reference book that I've looked at to date that I have around at this particular time, is there any correct definition for Dharma. Boy, that is really great, you know, it's really great! And in Buddhism it means "the way", see.

Now, I tell you, you go around getting your name synonymous with things, you know, and then your name becomes the thing, you know. If you make very good Frigidaires, why, eventually all iceboxes are known as Frigidaires, you see. But it's worse than that, it's worse than that. The name becomes identified with the product rather than the source of the product, which I think is very fascinating. I just thought I would give you that as a little side note on the last lecture, because I thought, "I wonder what they're saying about that these days", you know. "I wonder if there's any record of it around", you know. By George, there isn't! I notice, however, in many books such as the theosophy texts, and so on, that it is bounteously mentioned, but it doesn't really say wherein.

Well, the age we're in, by the way-the age we started, by the way-already has been named. This might also be an interesting side note to you. It's the Age of Love. There was the Age of Reason and the Age of Science and the age of a lot of other things. But twenty-five hundred years ago, why, Gautama Siddhartha said that in twenty-five hundred years, the Age of Love would begin in the West and this is an interesting prediction because the first thing that Clears start talking about is love, you know. It's interesting. Of course, nobody ever made this before, so how was he to know? But, anyway, this is supposed to be the Age of Love. No longer the Age of Reason-thank God!

Now, do you understand something about the subject?

Audience: Yes.

Na, most értetek valamit ebből a témából?

Thank you very much.

Thank you.

Nagyon köszönöm!



EredetiMagyar GATMegjegyzés

Thank you very much. It's not deserved; I've been very mean to several of you in the last day or two; very, very mean, with good results.

Okay. What is this?

Audience: 24th.

It's the 24th of Jan. AD 12. 1962. in the Year of Our Travail, especially yours.

All right. Now, I have some good news for you.

Going to sit down in this lecture, if you don't mind.

Several of you in just the last session you ran discovered that 3D Criss Cross worked like crazy; just discovered it -- brand-new discovery. Some of you have not made that discovery yet, but many of you -- the majority that were having any difficulty with this -- all of a sudden it dawned that there was something here and that it did work and that the session ran like a hot bomb, and all became suddenly well.

Now, the old-time student here who has had a great deal of training -- I will say this, a great deal of training shows up along these lines -- got results with 3D Criss Cross at once. The second it was presented to them they started getting results with 3D Criss Cross, which is quite interesting, see. They looked it over, they said "That's okay", they started listing and everything, and the next thing you know, they were getting results with it.

But those of you who have just come up to the nervous state of newly created IIs didn't measure up this well.

De azok, akik épp most jutottak el közületek az újonnan megalkotott II/b ideges állapotába, nem feleltek meg ilyen jól.

Now let.s look at this. This process has been going on for six months or more with some of the older students here; and 3D came out incomplete, not well stated, just brrrr!you know, and that.s it. And they did it at once and got results with it at once. In other words, it took them.oh, perhaps 10 minutes to understand it; this is length of time to look at it and read it. I mean it was that fast, you see, and they could put it into action and they could do something with it, and all of a sudden this happened. Well, this doesn.t mean that become puppetized, it simply means that their ability to duplicate it has now gone over into a second stage.understand.because of course they weren.t given any data to duplicate.

Now, you look at the original issue of 3D, or the original mention of 3D that was given to you. Why, the first mentions of it are just some scribbles in the case histories, you know, in the case folders, the first mentions of it, and then there.s a rather incomplete description of 3D Criss Cross that doesn.t amount to a hill of beans, and then there.s class rumor.

Well, what I.m showing you is there was practically nothing there to duplicate in the way of wording, and yet these people had actually gotten to this point, where they not only could duplicate the datum that was said to them but they could get what this was and they could understand what this datum was and put it into use. Now, look at that as a considerable gain, and look at it for just what it is, as a gain, a training gain. And that.s quite remarkable.

Now, the comm lag on others who hadn.t had that much training has been something on the order of ten days to two weeks, to first duplicate the wording.and complain because there wasn.t any wording, don.t you see? They were still in a step where they had to have the exact words. And then finally, it took an amplification of a bunch of exact words and a lot of individual notations in case folders for them all of a sudden to do what they were doing and get a result, and the understanding is dawning. See, that.s slightly different action.

Do you see this as a training mechanism?

Látjátok, hogy ez egy képzési mechanizmus?